George Szirtes


George Szirtes’s Reel (2004) won the T S Eliot Prize for which he has been twice shortlisted since. His latest is Mapping the Delta. (2016). His memoir, The Photographer at Sixteen, appeared in 2020.

‘The inspiration for poems like the one that follows is probably the later work of W S Graham. I chose Terrible Thing to read because though it was written well before coronavirus started on its way, and it fits the lockdown condition….but in this poem the terrible thing is never named.’

The Poem


Terrible Thing


There being nothing

to say they did not say it.

The world was too big


to fit in the mouth,

too wide, too awkward, too flat

to utter itself.


A great depression

had settled on them, stifling

the desire for words.


The language itself

was wrong, too dependent on

fake definitions.


No definitions,

they agreed. Why define things

in a dead language?


The terrible thing

is the terrible thing, no more,

not worth defining.


There, in the water

lay the broken languages

they had discarded.

There, in the meadow

the ghosts of sheep and cattle

grazing their shadows.

